Sun always finds a way to give its light; truth always finds a way to show its face!
This quote is a beautiful metaphor comparing the nature of the sun and truth. Just like the sun, which inevitably rises every day to shed its light, the truth also has a way of revealing itself eventually, no matter how much it’s hidden or suppressed.
The first part of this quote “Sun always finds a way to give its light” can be seen as an affirmation of consistency and inevitability. The rising sun is one of life’s most dependable events; it happens every day without fail, bringing light and warmth to the world. This can be applied in our lives as a reminder that there are certain things we can always rely on – our skills, our values, our passions – that will consistently bring ‘light’ into our lives if we let them.
The second part “truth always finds a way to show its face!” suggests that reality has an inherent quality or force that pushes it towards revelation. No matter how deeply buried or obscured by lies and deception, truth tends to surface over time because it aligns with reality while falsehood does not.
In today’s world filled with misinformation and ‘fake news’, this idea serves as an important reminder about patience for truth discovery process. It may take time for facts to come out but they will eventually emerge just like sunlight piercing through clouds.
In terms of personal development, this quote reinforces two key ideas: authenticity and patience. Authenticity because being true ourselves is akin to letting our inner ‘sun’ shine—our true selves will inevitably reveal themselves just like the sun provides light each day. Patience because just as we cannot rush sunrise nor should we rush processes in life; whether seeking answers or waiting for personal growth—the ‘truth’ in these situations will reveal itself when ready.
Therefore, embracing both these aspects helps us stay grounded in who we are (our sunlight) while remaining patient for what’s yet unseen (the emerging truth).