Every application will be designed from the ground up to use real identity and friends.

What did Mark Zuckerberg mean by:

Every application will be designed from the ground up to use real identity and friends.


The quote “Every application will be designed from the ground up to use real identity and friends” refers to the concept of personalized and social computing. It suggests that the future of applications, whether they are for business, social networking, or personal use, will be rooted in the real-life identities of their users and the social connections they maintain. This means that the apps will be designed to not only recognize the user’s identity but also to integrate their social networks into the user experience.

This idea is significant in the context of the digital age where the line between our online and offline lives is increasingly blurred. The applications that we use are becoming extensions of our personal and social identities. They are no longer just tools that we use; they are becoming a part of who we are and how we connect with others.

In terms of application, this concept has already started to manifest in many ways. Consider social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These platforms are built around the user’s real identity and their network of friends or professional connections. They are designed to facilitate social interactions, share personal or professional updates, and in many ways, reflect the user’s real-life identity.

In terms of personal development, this concept suggests that the apps we use can play a significant role in shaping our identities and social relationships. They can influence how we perceive ourselves, how we relate to others, and how we navigate the world. For example, fitness apps that connect to social networks can foster a sense of community and mutual support among users, thereby enhancing their motivation and commitment to fitness goals.

However, this concept also raises important questions about privacy and the potential misuse of personal information. As applications become more integrated with our real identities and social networks, it’s crucial to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect user data and privacy.

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