When you catch an adjective, kill it – perhaps the best possible advice for budding writers.

What did Mark Twain mean by:

When you catch an adjective, kill it – perhaps the best possible advice for budding writers.


This quote is a piece of advice for writers, suggesting that they should avoid overusing adjectives. Adjectives, while useful for adding detail and color to writing, can also clutter up prose and make it less clear and effective. Twain’s advice implies that a writer should strive for simplicity and clarity, using adjectives sparingly and only when they contribute significantly to the meaning or impact of a sentence.

In essence, Twain is advocating for minimalism in writing. He believes that the overuse of adjectives can dilute the power of a narrative or argument, and that a more sparse, straightforward style can often be more impactful. This is not to say that adjectives should never be used, but rather that they should be used judiciously, and that the writer should always be mindful of whether they are truly adding value.

Applying this advice to today’s world, it could be interpreted as a call for clarity and simplicity in all forms of communication, not just writing. In an age of information overload, being able to communicate clearly and succinctly is a valuable skill. This could apply to everything from business emails to social media posts.

In terms of personal development, this quote could be seen as a reminder to focus on what’s truly important and to avoid unnecessary embellishments. Just as overusing adjectives can clutter up writing, getting caught up in unnecessary details or distractions can prevent us from achieving our goals. By focusing on what’s truly important, we can be more effective and successful in our endeavors.

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