Next to possessing genius one’s self is the power of appreciating it in others.

What did Mark Twain mean by:

Next to possessing genius one’s self is the power of appreciating it in others.


This quote is expressing the idea that while it’s great to have talent or genius oneself, it’s equally important, if not more so, to be able to recognize and appreciate it in others. This is not just about admiring someone else’s abilities, but about understanding the depth and nuances of their talent, acknowledging their creativity and originality, and learning from them. It’s an appreciation that goes beyond mere admiration to a deeper level of understanding and respect.

The quote suggests a humility and openness that is often lacking in today’s competitive world. It’s easy to focus solely on our own abilities and achievements, and overlook or undervalue the talents of others. But this quote reminds us that there is much to gain from recognizing and appreciating the genius in others, not just in terms of learning from them, but also in terms of enriching our own lives and broadening our perspectives.

In terms of personal development, this quote encourages us to cultivate an attitude of appreciation and respect towards others. It urges us to look beyond ourselves and our own abilities, and to recognize the value and worth of others. This not only helps us to learn and grow, but also fosters a sense of community and mutual respect. It’s about recognizing that everyone has something valuable to offer, and that we can all learn from each other.

In today’s world, where individual achievement is often highly prized, this quote is a timely reminder of the value of community and mutual respect. It encourages us to look beyond our own abilities and achievements, and to appreciate the talents and contributions of others. This is not just beneficial for our personal growth, but also contributes to a more inclusive and respectful society.

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