What did Marie Forleo mean by: Greatness doesn’t come from what you do, but from who you are. Marie Forleo Entrepreneur Copy
It takes courage to begin something, but it can take even more to end it. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Beginnings, Courage, Endings, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
Creative success means balancing your love of starting things with a habit of finishing them. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Balance, Completion, Creativity, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
Our true worth doesn’t come from the work we do, it comes from who we are as human beings. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Identity, Self-worth, Value, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Action, Consistency, Success, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
Never start a business just to ‘make money’. Start a business to make a difference. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Entrepreneurship, Impact, Purpose, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
If you could avoid all your mistakes, you’d miss everything you learned from them. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Experience, Growth, Resilience, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
How would you behave if you were the best in the world at what you do? Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Achievement, Behavior, Excellence, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
Every successful person I know starts before they feel ready. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Marie Forleo, Courage, Initiative, Preparation, 0 Marie Forleo Entrepreneur
To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. Read explanation Charlie Munger Business person
Whatever the world condemns you for, make it your own. It is yourself. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
It is excruciating to be an unbeliever with a spirit that is deeply religious. Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Not only should you not accept a prize. You should not try to deserve one either. Jean Cocteau Artist · France