Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig.
This quote suggests that the source of all goodness resides within ourselves. The “fountain of good” is a metaphor for the potential of positivity, kindness, creativity, and wisdom that resides in each of us. The phrase “if thou wilt ever dig” implies that this well of goodness isn’t always readily accessible – we must make an effort to reach it. Like digging a well, it requires patience, persistence, and hard work to tap into this inner goodness.
“Look within” is a call for introspection. It points towards the idea that instead of seeking validation, happiness or solutions from external sources, we should turn inwards. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection in personal growth and moral development.
Applying this idea in today’s world or in personal development could mean prioritizing self-understanding and self-improvement. In a society that often values external achievements, this quote reminds us that true goodness and fulfillment come from within. It could mean practicing mindfulness, meditation, or other forms of introspection to better understand oneself.
In personal development, it could translate into cultivating an internal locus of control – the belief that you have control over your own life, rather than external events or individuals. It could also mean fostering resilience, as the quote suggests that no matter what happens, the fountain of good within us can “ever bubble up” if we are willing to access it.
In practical terms, it might involve taking time each day to reflect on your actions, motivations, and feelings, and to practice gratitude and kindness towards yourself and others. It could also mean seeking help when needed, in order to better understand and tap into your own inner resources.
Overall, this quote encourages us to believe in our inner potential for goodness and to make the effort to access and nurture it.