The State is the sum total of the sacrifice, on its behalf, of its members.
This quote is essentially a reflection on the nature of the state or government as an entity that exists and functions because of the collective sacrifices made by its members or citizens. In this context, sacrifice refers to anything that individuals give up for the benefit of their community, such as paying taxes, abiding by laws even when they limit personal freedoms, serving in public office or military roles, and more. The state is not just a physical entity with boundaries; it’s a social contract where individuals agree to certain restrictions for mutual benefits.
The sum total signifies that each individual’s sacrifice contributes to the overall strength and functioning of the state. Every citizen plays a part in shaping their country through their actions and decisions.
In today’s world, this idea can be seen in how societies respond to crises. For example, during times like pandemics people are expected to make sacrifices such as maintaining social distance, wearing masks etc., for the greater good i.e., controlling disease spread. When citizens comply with these measures despite personal inconveniences or economic hardships they face due to lockdowns/restrictions – they are contributing towards strengthening their state.
In terms of personal development too this concept holds relevance. Just like every citizen’s contribution helps shape a state; every experience (good/bad), decision (right/wrong), action we take contributes towards shaping us as individuals. Sometimes we need to make sacrifices in our personal lives – like giving up short-term pleasures for long-term gains (e.g., studying instead of partying could lead to better career prospects), which ultimately contribute towards our growth and development similar to how individual sacrifices contribute towards building stronger states.