The attack on untouchability is an attack on this high-and low-ness.
The quote, “The attack on untouchability is an attack on this high-and low-ness,” refers to the social hierarchy that has been deeply ingrained in society for centuries. Untouchability is a term used to describe a societal practice where certain individuals or groups are considered ‘impure’ or ‘inferior’, resulting in their marginalization and exclusion from mainstream society. This practice has been particularly prevalent in India, where it was embedded within the caste system.
When Gandhi says “an attack on this high-and low-ness,” he’s referring to challenging and dismantling these hierarchies of superiority and inferiority that have been accepted as norms. He believed that every human being should be treated with equal respect and dignity, regardless of their caste or social status.
In today’s world, we can apply this idea by questioning and challenging discriminatory practices based on race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status etc., which create a divide between people. It’s about recognizing that these divisions are artificial constructs rather than inherent truths.
In terms of personal development, it encourages us to not judge others based on superficial factors but rather see them for who they truly are – human beings deserving of respect just like us. It also means checking our own biases and prejudices that we might hold due to societal conditioning.
Moreover, it promotes empathy as we learn to put ourselves in others’ shoes instead of seeing them through the lens of stereotypes or preconceived notions. By doing so, we become more accepting and inclusive individuals contributing towards a more equitable society.