For me nonviolence is a creed. I must act up to it, whether I am alone or have companions.
This quote emphasizes the indivisibility of personal belief and action. The speaker is saying that nonviolence is not just a theoretical concept or an ideal to be aspired to, but a principle that must be lived out in every moment, regardless of the circumstances or the presence of others. It’s a creed, which means it’s an essential part of his identity and worldview. His commitment to nonviolence isn’t contingent on others’ support or understanding; it’s something he must adhere to even if he stands alone.
The statement also implies that such deeply held beliefs are not susceptible to change based on external factors – they are constant and unwavering. This shows immense strength of character and integrity as it takes courage and determination to uphold one’s principles when faced with opposition or indifference.
In today’s world, this idea can be applied in various ways. For instance, if someone believes strongly in environmental conservation, they should live by this creed whether they’re surrounded by like-minded individuals who recycle meticulously and minimize waste, or among those who don’t care about such issues at all. They would continue recycling diligently even if no one else around them does so because their actions are dictated by their belief system rather than peer pressure or societal expectations.
In terms of personal development, this quote encourages us to identify our core values—those principles we won’t compromise on—and consistently act upon them despite external influences. It teaches us about integrity—aligning our actions with our beliefs—and resilience—the ability to maintain our course despite challenges. By living out our creeds faithfully we not only grow as individuals but can also inspire others through the power of example.