Ahimsa can be practiced only towards those that are inferior to you in every way.
This quote, “Ahimsa can be practiced only towards those that are inferior to you in every way,” is a profound insight into the concept of Ahimsa, which in Sanskrit means ‘non-violence’. The essence of this statement lies in understanding that true non-violence is not about being peaceful towards equals or superiors but demonstrating compassion and respect towards those who we perceive as inferior.
In essence, Gandhi suggests that it’s easy to practice non-violence when dealing with individuals or entities perceived as superior or equal because there’s an inherent fear of retaliation or respect involved. However, the real test of one’s commitment to Ahimsa comes when interacting with those deemed weaker or inferior. Herein lies the challenge: can we still uphold our principles of non-violence and respect when there’s no threat of consequence?
Applying this idea in today’s world could take multiple forms. In social interactions, it could mean treating service workers, such as cleaners and waitstaff, with kindness and respect despite societal hierarchies. In terms of global politics, developed nations practicing Ahimsa might involve respecting the sovereignty and rights of developing nations rather than exploiting them for resources.
In personal development terms, this principle encourages individuals to cultivate empathy and humility. It involves recognizing our inherent biases where we may unconsciously regard some people as ‘inferior’, then consciously choosing to treat them with kindness instead – essentially promoting growth through empathy.
Furthermore, by extending compassion downwards on any perceived hierarchy (social status, intelligence level etc.), we indirectly elevate everyone else too; thus fostering a more harmonious society based on mutual respect rather than dominance. This practice could significantly contribute toward reducing conflicts at both micro (personal) and macro (societal) levels – truly embodying Gandhi’s vision for a peaceful world.