What did Madame Roland mean by: Selfishness, not love, is the actuating motive of the gallant. Madame Roland Politician · France Copy
If we do not die for liberty, we shall soon have nothing left to do but weep for her. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Madame Roland, Liberty, Loss, Sacrifice, 0 Madame Roland Politician · France
I was not always free from melancholy; but even melancholy had its charms. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Madame Roland, Freedom, Melancholy, 0 Madame Roland Politician · France
It would have cost me more trouble to escape from injustice, than it does to submit to it. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Madame Roland, Injustice, Submission, Trouble, 0 Madame Roland Politician · France
Ennui is the disease of hearts without feeling, and of minds without resources. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Madame Roland, Discontent, Emptiness, Restlessness, 0 Madame Roland Politician · France
The feeble howl with the wolves, bray with the asses, and bleat with the sheep. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Madame Roland, Belonging, Conformity, Weakness, 0 Madame Roland Politician · France
The feeble tremble before opinion, the foolish defy it, the wise judge it, the skillful direct it. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Madame Roland, Leadership, Opinion, Wisdom, 0 Madame Roland Politician · France
Deep joy is a serene and sober emotion, rarely evinced in open merriment. Author, January 2, 2024January 1, 2025, Madame Roland, Emotion, Joy, Serenity, 0 Madame Roland Politician · France
I only fear the death of others. For me, true death is that of the people I love Jean Cocteau Artist · France
I’m not willing just to be tolerated. That wounds my love of love and of liberty. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
If you cannot learn to love real art, at least learn to hate sham art and reject it. William Morris Designer · England
It is no more in our power to love always than it was not to love at all. Read explanation Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France