What did Lou Holtz mean by: You don’t go to Notre Dame to learn something, you go to Notre Dame to be somebody. Lou Holtz Football coach Copy
+ No one has ever drowned in sweat. Author, November 1, 2023January 2, 2025, Lou Holtz, Hard Work, Persistence, Resilience, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
+ You can pay people to perform, but you can’t pay people to excel. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lou Holtz, Excellence, Motivation, Talent, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
+ When I work a game as an analyst, all I do is look at the game like a coach. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lou Holtz, Analysis, Coaching, Perspective, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
+ The key to winning is choosing to do God’s will and loving others with all you’ve got. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lou Holtz, God's will, Love, Winning, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
+ You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lou Holtz, Growth, Potential, Self-determination, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
+ The best way to save face is not to use the lower half. Author, July 8, 2023January 2, 2025, Lou Holtz, Appearance, Humility, Pride, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
+ God looks after children, animals and idiots. Author, September 10, 2023January 2, 2025, Lou Holtz, Innocence, Neglect, Protection, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
+ For victory in life, we’ve got to keep focused on the goal, and the goal is Heaven. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lou Holtz, Goal, Heaven, Victory, 0 Lou Holtz Football coach
To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. Read explanation Charlie Munger Business person
Whatever the world condemns you for, make it your own. It is yourself. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
It is excruciating to be an unbeliever with a spirit that is deeply religious. Jean Cocteau Artist · France
There’s no such thing as autobiography, there’s only art and lies Jeanette Winterson Author · England