What did Lord Chesterfield mean by: Silence and reserve suggest latent power. What some men think has more effect than what others say. Lord Chesterfield Politician · England Copy
+ The heart never grows better by age; I fear rather worse; always harder. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Aging, hardening, Heart, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England
+ Not to care for philosophy is to be a true philospher. Author, August 1, 2023January 2, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Indifference, Irony, Wisdom, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England
+ Those whom you can make like themselves better will, I promise you, like you very well. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Connection, Likability, Self-improvement, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England
+ He makes people pleased with him by making them first pleased with themselves. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Empowerment, Influence, Relationships, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England
+ The vulgar only laugh, but never smile; whereas well-bred people often smile, but seldom laugh. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Emotion, Etiquette, Vulgarity, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England
+ A weak mind is like a microscope, which magnifies trifling things but cannot receive great ones. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Importance, Perspective, Weakness, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England
+ Speak the language of the company you are in; speak it purely, and unlarded with any other. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Adaptation, Communication, Professionalism, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England
+ Little secrets are commonly told again, but great ones generally kept. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Lord Chesterfield, Communication, Secrecy, Trust, 0 Lord Chesterfield Politician · England