What did Li Zhaoxing mean by: The common wish of the international community is for peace instead of war. Li Zhaoxing Copy
China always urges that no use or threat of sanctions should be allowed in international relations. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Li Zhaoxing, Diplomacy, International relations, Sanctions, 0 Li Zhaoxing
Farmers are the only indispensable people on the face of the earth. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Li Zhaoxing, Agriculture, Necessity, Vitality, 0 Li Zhaoxing
The Chinese nation has always pursued a life in harmony with other nations despite differences. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Li Zhaoxing, Diplomacy, Harmony, Unity, 0 Li Zhaoxing
The root of all desires is the one desire: to come home, to be at peace. Jean Klein Philosopher · France
When war becomes a trade, it benefits, like all other trades, from the division of labour. Jean-Baptiste Say Economist · France
I will work to bring peace to everyone – whatever economic level – as long as you are Haitian. Jean-Bertrand Aristide Politician · Haiti