What did Leo Ornstein mean by: But in the end, music is ultimately an aural art, pure and simple. Leo Ornstein Composer Copy
In writing music, the structure of each piece is a very important factor. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Leo Ornstein, Importance, Music, Structure, 0 Leo Ornstein Composer
You write it down because finally, when it’s written down you do get it out of your system somewhat. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Leo Ornstein, Catharsis, Clarity, Expression, 0 Leo Ornstein Composer
+ I distrust anything that you don’t hear. Author, October 15, 2023January 2, 2025, Leo Ornstein, Content, Distrust, 0 Leo Ornstein Composer
+ Of all the arts, music is really the most abstract. Author, September 3, 2023January 2, 2025, Leo Ornstein, Abstract, Art, Music, 0 Leo Ornstein Composer
A person improvising is sometimes very fortunate that just at that second things coincide. Author, January 13, 2024January 9, 2025, Leo Ornstein, Creativity, Luck, Timing, 0 Leo Ornstein Composer
By the visual pattern, but mostly I’m guided entirely by my ear, what I hear. Author, January 14, 2024January 9, 2025, Leo Ornstein, Guidance, Pattern, Sound, 0 Leo Ornstein Composer
Appreciation of art is a moral erection, otherwise mere dilettantism. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Art produces ugly things which frequently become beautiful with time. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
There is no art without intoxication. But I mean a mad intoxication! Let reason teeter! Delirium! Jean Dubuffet Artist · France
No piece of art can depict feelings if a piece of reality is not included in it. Read explanation Jean Fautrier Painter · France