So the unwanting soul sees what’s hidden, and the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants.

What did Laozi mean by:

So the unwanting soul sees what’s hidden, and the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants.


This quote, “So the unwanting soul sees what’s hidden, and the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants,” essentially explores the concept of desire and its impact on perception. It suggests that our desires can cloud our vision, making us see only what we want to see, and blinds us to other possibilities or realities. On the other hand, a soul free from wants or desires is open to the world as it is, seeing things that may be hidden or overlooked by others.

The “unwanting soul” is one that is content, at peace, and free from the constant yearning for more. This state of being allows for a clear and unclouded perspective. It doesn’t mean that one doesn’t have goals or aspirations, but rather that they are not controlled or blinded by them. They can see beyond their immediate desires to the broader picture, including opportunities and truths that others may miss.

The “ever-wanting soul,” conversely, is one that is always seeking, always desiring. This continuous state of want can narrow one’s focus to only what is desired, missing out on other aspects of life. It’s like wearing blinkers that only allow you to see straight ahead, missing what’s happening on the periphery.

Applying this to today’s world, we live in a society that often encourages constant desire – for success, for material goods, for recognition. This can lead to a state of perpetual dissatisfaction, always wanting more and failing to appreciate what we have. It can also narrow our perspective, causing us to miss out on opportunities or solutions that don’t align with our immediate desires.

In terms of personal development, this quote can serve as a reminder to not let our desires control us. It encourages us to strive for a state of contentment, where we can appreciate what we have and see the world more clearly. It suggests that by freeing ourselves from the grip of constant wanting, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and truths. This can lead to a more fulfilling, balanced life, where we’re not solely driven by our desires, but also open to the world in all its complexity and diversity.

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