What did Kent Beck mean by: A plan is an example of what could happen, not a prediction of what will happen. Kent Beck Software engineer · USA Copy
+ Learning research tells us that the time lag from experiment to feedback is critical. Author, January 13, 2024January 6, 2025, Kent Beck, Feedback, Learning, Timing, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
+ Testing is not the point. The point is about responsibility. Author, August 7, 2023January 2, 2025, Kent Beck, Importance, Purpose, Responsibility, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
+ If you’re having trouble succeeding, fail. Author, September 3, 2023January 2, 2025, Kent Beck, Growth, Perseverance, Resilience, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
+ Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming; feedback is the treatment. Author, January 13, 2024January 6, 2025, Kent Beck, Feedback, Optimism, Programming, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
+ Make it work, make it right, make it fast. Author, August 11, 2023January 2, 2025, Kent Beck, Efficiency, Quality, Speed, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
+ I’m not a great programmer; I’m just a good programmer with great habits. Author, January 13, 2024January 6, 2025, Kent Beck, Habits, Programming, Self-improvement, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
+ If testing costs more than not testing, then don’t test. Author, August 6, 2023January 2, 2025, Kent Beck, Cost, Efficiency, Risk, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
+ The community isn’t nearly as afraid as it thinks it is. Author, August 24, 2023January 2, 2025, Kent Beck, Community, Fear, Perception, 0 Kent Beck Software engineer · USA
At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. Jean Houston Scholar
The way to find what the mainstream will do tomorrow is to associate with the lunatic fringe today. Jean Louis Playwright · France
Before you can do something that you’ve never done, you have to be able to imagine it is possible. Jean Shinoda Bolen Psychiatrist