Refuse to be a lazy Christian, and resist a passive, apathetic attitude.
This quote is a call to action for Christians, urging them not to be complacent or indifferent in their faith. Being a “lazy Christian” here refers to those who may claim the title of being a Christian, but do not actively engage in their faith or seek to grow spiritually. They might attend church services and participate in religious activities, but they do not make an effort to understand the teachings of Christianity deeply and apply these teachings in their daily lives.
Resisting a “passive, apathetic attitude” means rejecting indifference and lack of interest towards one’s faith. It implies that Christians should be active participants in their spiritual journey rather than just going through the motions.
In today’s world where distractions are plentiful and life can often feel overwhelming, it can be easy for individuals (not just Christians) to fall into passivity or indifference towards various aspects of life including personal growth and development. This quote serves as a reminder that we must actively engage with our personal beliefs (whether religious or otherwise), values, goals, etc., continuously striving for growth rather than settling into comfortable stagnation.
Applying this idea personally could mean regularly setting aside time for self-reflection on our actions and attitudes according to our beliefs/values/goals; consciously practicing empathy, kindness etc., instead of merely acknowledging these virtues; seeking opportunities for learning/growth even when they involve stepping out of our comfort zones; challenging ourselves by setting higher standards/goals; taking responsibility for our mistakes/failures instead of blaming others/circumstances etc.
In essence, this quote encourages us not only towards active engagement with our individual belief systems/ideologies/life goals but also proactive participation in shaping ourselves into better versions continuously – all while resisting the temptation towards passivity/complacency/indifference which may seem easier paths initially but ultimately lead nowhere significant.