Whoever I am, or whatever I am doing, some kind of excellence is within my reach.

What did John W. Gardner mean by:

Whoever I am, or whatever I am doing, some kind of excellence is within my reach.


This quote is a profound statement of self-belief and the potential for excellence that lies within each one of us. It suggests that irrespective of who we are or what we are doing, we have the capability to achieve some form of excellence. It is a powerful reminder that our identity or our actions do not limit us, but rather, they provide us with unique opportunities to excel.

The term ‘excellence’ here is subjective and can vary from person to person. For some, it might mean achieving a high level of proficiency in a specific skill, while for others, it could mean displaying exceptional character or morality. The key idea is that excellence is not a one-size-fits-all concept but is instead tailored to our individual selves and our activities.

In the context of today’s world, this quote has immense relevance. In an era where comparisons and competition are rife, it is easy to feel inadequate or inferior. However, this quote reminds us that we all have the potential to achieve excellence in our unique ways. It encourages us to focus on our personal growth rather than comparing ourselves with others.

In terms of personal development, this quote can be a driving force. It can inspire us to strive for excellence in whatever we do, whether it’s our work, our relationships, or our hobbies. It encourages us to believe in our capabilities and to continuously push our boundaries. It also reminds us that the journey to excellence is deeply personal and unique to each of us, and thus, we should not be disheartened or demotivated by others’ achievements or progress. Instead, we should focus on harnessing our potential and achieving our version of excellence.

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