Our problem is not to find better values but to be faithful to those we profess.

What did John W. Gardner mean by:

Our problem is not to find better values but to be faithful to those we profess.


This quote by John W. Gardner emphasizes the importance of integrity and authenticity. It suggests that the issue is not about finding superior or more refined values, but rather about staying true to the values that we already claim to hold. In other words, it’s not about the pursuit of better ideals, but about the commitment to live by the ideals we already acknowledge.

This can be seen as a call for consistency between our words and actions, a quality often referred to as integrity. It’s easy to claim to hold certain values, but the real challenge lies in living by them, particularly when faced with situations that test their strength. It’s about being honest, reliable, and transparent in all our dealings, even when no one is watching.

In today’s world, this quote can be applied in various ways. In the societal context, it could refer to the need for institutions and leaders to uphold the values they preach, such as fairness, justice, and equality. Often, we see a gap between what is promised and what is delivered. This can lead to a loss of trust and credibility.

In personal development, this quote underscores the importance of self-awareness and self-discipline. It’s about recognizing our core values, and then aligning our actions with these values. It’s also about holding ourselves accountable and striving for personal growth. This might mean making difficult choices or sacrifices, but it ultimately leads to a life lived with authenticity and integrity.

In essence, Gardner’s quote is a reminder that the pursuit of better values is futile if we are not committed to living by the values we already claim. It’s not about the values themselves, but about the integrity of our actions in aligning with these values.

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