+ Courage from hearts and not from numbers grows. Feraz Zeid, July 27, 2023December 12, 2023, John Dryden, Growth, Heart, Numbers, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Plots, true or false, are necessary things, To raise up commonwealths and ruin kings. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Kings, Political, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Never was patriot yet, but was a fool. Feraz Zeid, August 24, 2023December 24, 2023, John Dryden, Fool, Patriotic, Patriotism, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ And write whatever Time shall bring to pass With pens of adamant on plates of brass. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Brass, Time, Writing, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ But Shakespeare’s magic could not copied be; Within that circle none durst walk but he. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Circles, Magic, Walks, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Love taught him shame, and shame with love at strife Soon taught the sweet civilities of life. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Sweet, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ God never made his work for man to mend. Feraz Zeid, June 11, 2023December 12, 2023, John Dryden, Exercise, Fitness, Work, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Secret guilt is by silence revealed. Feraz Zeid, August 10, 2023December 12, 2023, John Dryden, Guilt, Secret, Silence, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
I cannot live without art: it excites me, it challenges me, and it leads me to the next thing. - Francisco Costa Fashion designer
Envy and hatred go together. Mutually strengthened by the fact pursue the same object. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
It is the glory and merit of some men to write well and of others not to write at all. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
A lofty birth or a large fortune portend merit, and cause it to be the sooner noticed. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Envy comes from people’s ignorance of, or lack of belief in, their own gifts. - Jean Vanier Philosopher and theologian
What is the most challenging is the industry of fashion is pushing for speedy consumption. - Jean-Charles de Castelbajac Fashion designer · France