What did John Dryden mean by: Let cheerfulness on happy fortune wait. - John Dryden Poet · England Copy
+ Tis Fate that flings the dice, And as she flings Of kings makes peasants, And of peasants kings. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Dice, Fate, Kings, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Mankind is ever the same, and nothing lost out of nature, though everything is altered. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Human, Lost, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Let grace and goodness be the principal loadstone of thy affections. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Affection, Goodness, Grace, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Pleasure never comes sincere to man; but lent by heaven upon hard usury. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Heaven, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ None but the brave deserve the fair. Feraz Zeid, August 23, 2023December 24, 2023, John Dryden, Brave, Fairs, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ To breed up the son to common sense is evermore the parent’s least expense. Feraz Zeid, January 12, 2024January 12, 2024, John Dryden, Common Sense, Education, Son, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Not to ask is not be denied. Feraz Zeid, June 10, 2023December 12, 2023, John Dryden, Denied, Silence, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ I learn to pity woes so like my own. Feraz Zeid, August 9, 2023December 12, 2023, John Dryden, Pity, Woe, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
See your disappointments as good fortune. One plan’s deflation is another’s inflation. Explain - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Nothing keeps longer than a middling fortune, and nothing melts away sooner than a large one. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Don’t wait to be happy to laugh… You may die and never have laughed. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Blind fortune pursues inconsiderate rashness. [Fr., Fortune aveugle suit aveugle hardiesse.] - Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
It’s odd how people waiting for you stand out far less clearly than people you are waiting for. - Jean Giraudoux Playwright · France