What did John Dryden mean by: Heaven be thanked, we live in such an age, When no man dies for love, but on the stage. - John Dryden Poet · England Copy
+ Thou tyrant, tyrant Jealousy, Thou tyrant of the mind! Feraz Zeid, July 10, 2023December 12, 2023, John Dryden, Mind, Tyrants, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ We first make our habits, and then our habits make us. Explain Feraz Zeid, August 23, 2023December 24, 2023, John Dryden, Character, Motivational, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ The greater part performed achieves the less. Feraz Zeid, September 7, 2023December 24, 2023, John Dryden, Achieve, Success, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ We must beat the iron while it is hot, but we may polish it at leisure. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Hot, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ If you have lived, take thankfully the past. Make, as you can, the sweet remembrance last. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Gratitude, Past, Sweet, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Jealousy is the jaundice of the soul. Feraz Zeid, October 31, 2023December 26, 2023, John Dryden, Jealousy, Soul, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Nor is the people’s judgment always true: the most may err as grossly as the few. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Democracies Have, Freedom, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
+ Not Heav’n itself upon the past has pow’r; But what has been, has been, and I have had my hour. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, John Dryden, Hours, Past, 0 - John Dryden Poet · England
It is no more in our power to love always than it was not to love at all. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
The sweetest of all sounds is that of the voice of the woman we love. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
At the beginning and at the end of love, the two lovers are embarrassed to find themselves alone. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best. - Frida Kahlo Painter · Mexico
One seeks to make the loved one entirely happy, or, if that cannot be, entirely wretched. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Love begins with love ; and the warmest friendship cannot change even to the coldest love. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We perceive when love begins and when it declines by our embarrassment when alone together. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We can recognize the dawn and the decline of love by the uneasiness we feel when alone together. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France