The world cannot do without great men, but great men are very troublesome to the world.

What did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe mean by:

The world cannot do without great men, but great men are very troublesome to the world.


This ‍quote suggests a paradoxical relationship between great men and the ​world.⁣ On one hand, the world needs great men to inspire, lead, innovate,⁤ and push the boundaries of human potential. These individuals often bring about ⁤significant changes and advancements, be it in politics, science, art, or ‌any other field.

On the other hand, ​great men can also be a source⁤ of disruption and discomfort ⁣for the world. Their ideas and actions often challenge the status quo, provoke thought, and instigate change, which‌ can be unsettling and difficult to ‍accept for ‍many. They‍ may ⁣cause conflict, upheaval, ⁢or ‍resistance as they strive to implement their visions or as their ideas clash with existing beliefs and systems.

In today’s world, this idea is still⁢ very much applicable. We see many individuals ⁤who are considered ‘great’ in their respective fields, from Elon Musk in technology and innovation to Malala ⁢Yousafzai in activism. Their ideas and actions have⁤ undoubtedly transformed the world in many ways, but they have also faced significant resistance and criticism.

In terms of personal ​development, this quote might suggest ‍that striving⁣ for greatness is a ‌worthy but challenging​ pursuit. It⁤ requires courage, resilience, and the willingness to ‍face opposition and discomfort. It also implies that ⁢those who seek to make a significant impact should be⁢ prepared for the challenges⁤ and ⁤resistance they may encounter.

Ultimately, the quote underscores ​the complex and often challenging relationship between individuals who⁣ strive for greatness ⁤and the societies in which ‍they live. It highlights the need for such individuals, while also acknowledging the difficulties they‍ can​ bring.

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