At bottom, no real object is unpoetical, if the poet knows how to use it properly.

What did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe mean by:

At bottom, no real object is unpoetical, if the poet knows how to use it properly.


This quote suggests that there is an inherent beauty or poetry in everything, and it is up to the poet, or the observer, to bring it out. In other words, nothing is inherently uninteresting or mundane; it all depends on the perspective and the skill of the person observing it. If the poet knows how to use it properly, even the most ordinary or seemingly dull object can be turned into something beautiful and poetic.

This idea can be applied in today’s world and personal development in numerous ways. In a world that often values the new, the shiny, and the extravagant, it reminds us to appreciate the simple, the ordinary, and the everyday. It encourages us to look at the world around us with fresh eyes, to see the beauty in what we might otherwise overlook, and to find value and meaning in what we might otherwise dismiss.

In terms of personal development, it encourages us to cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder, to develop our skills of observation and appreciation, and to learn to see the world in new and different ways. It suggests that the key to a rich and fulfilling life is not necessarily in seeking out new experiences, but in learning to see our existing experiences in a new light.

Furthermore, in the context of creativity and innovation, this quote can be seen as a call to look beyond the obvious, to find new and interesting ways of seeing and interpreting the world. This can be especially relevant in fields like art, design, and technology, where the ability to see potential in the seemingly ordinary can lead to groundbreaking ideas and solutions.

In essence, this quote is a reminder that poetry – or beauty, or value – is not just in the object itself, but in the way we see and interpret it. It’s a call to develop our ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, and to find poetry in the everyday.

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