What did Johann Kaspar Lavater mean by: The craftiest trickery are too short and ragged a cloak to cover a bad heart. - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland Copy
+ All affectation is the vain and ridiculous attempt of poverty to appear rich Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Poverty, Rich, Ridiculous, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
+ The policy of adapting one’s self to circumstances makes all ways smooth. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Self, Smooth, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
+ Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once. Feraz Zeid, June 19, 2023December 12, 2023, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Hunches, Instinct, Intuition, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
+ In the society of ladies, want of sense is not so unpardonable as want of manners. Feraz Zeid, January 12, 2024January 12, 2024, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Manners, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
+ The more any one speaks of himself, the less he likes to hear another talked of. Feraz Zeid, January 12, 2024January 12, 2024, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Conceit, Likes, Speak, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
+ There are three classes of men; the retrograde, the stationary and the progressive. Feraz Zeid, January 12, 2024January 12, 2024, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Class, Ignorance, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
+ Be neither too early in the fashion, nor too long out of it; nor at any time in the extremes of it. Feraz Zeid, January 11, 2024January 11, 2024, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Extremes, Fashion, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
+ Who makes quick use of the moment is a genius of prudence. Feraz Zeid, September 4, 2023December 24, 2023, Johann Kaspar Lavater, Failure, Opportunity, Use It Or Lose It, 0 - Johann Kaspar Lavater Poet, writer, and theologian · Switzerland
What uniform can I wear to hide my heavy heart? It is too heavy. It will always show. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
We are more sociable, and get on better with people by the heart than the intellect. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We never deceive people to benefit them, for knavery is a compound of wickedness and falsehood. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
We never love with all our heart and all our soul but once, and that is the first time. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
There are no elements so diverse that they cannot be joined in the heart of a man. - Jean Giraudoux Playwright · France
Memory, wit, fancy, acuteness, cannot grow young again in old age, but the heart can. - Jean Paul Writer · Germany
A noble heart cannot suspect in others the pettiness and malice that it has never felt. - Jean Racine Playwright · France