What did Jennifer Garner mean by: I mean, the men in Hollywood event is every day – it’s called Hollywood. Jennifer Garner Actress Copy
+ After the kids are asleep you… well, you know. Whatever it is. You slip away for a night. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Desire, Escape, Parenthood, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
+ You stick to the script, the script is Bible. Author, June 9, 2023January 2, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Adherence, Authority, Devotion, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
+ Your happiness is your own responsibility. Author, June 25, 2023January 2, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Happiness, Responsibility, Self, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
+ I certainly never expected to be in front of a camera one day of my life. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Celebrity, Life, Unexpected, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
+ I don’t understand how women can manage to get back in shape with a new baby and a job. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Fitness, Motherhood, Work, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
+ I hoped, hoped, that maybe I’d be lucky enough to do something on Broadway, in the chorus. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Broadway, Hope, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
+ The rule with marriage is the less you talk about it the better, as far as I can tell. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Communication, Privacy, Relationships, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
+ Beauty comes from a life well lived. If you’ve lived well, your smile lines are in the right places. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jennifer Garner, Aging, Beauty, Happiness, 0 Jennifer Garner Actress
What is the most challenging is the industry of fashion is pushing for speedy consumption. Jean-Charles de Castelbajac Fashion designer · France