What did Jeffrey R. Immelt mean by: You can’t delegate growth or customer satisfaction. Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive Copy
+ It’s the sustained ability to change that really counts. Author, October 2, 2023January 2, 2025, Jeffrey R. Immelt, Adaptability, Change, Growth, 0 Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive
+ Values can’t just be words on a page. To be effective, they must shape action. Read explanation Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jeffrey R. Immelt, Action, Effectiveness, Values, 0 Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive
+ Good leaders are very curious, and they spend a lot of time trying to learn things. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jeffrey R. Immelt, Curiosity, Leadership, Learning, 0 Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive
+ Managing innovation better may be the only way out of the abyss called commodity hell. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jeffrey R. Immelt, Competition, Innovation, Management, 0 Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive
+ Good leaders don’t tell people what to do, they give teams capability and inspiration. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jeffrey R. Immelt, Empowerment, Inspiration, Leadership, 0 Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive
+ Live with passion. Live with purpose. Author, August 2, 2023January 2, 2025, Jeffrey R. Immelt, Life, Passion, Purpose, 0 Jeffrey R. Immelt Business executive
The course of a river is almost always disapproved of by the source. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
The process of maturing is an art to be learned, an effort to be sustained. Marya Mannes Writer · USA
A human life gains lustre and strength only when it is polished and tempered. Mas Oyama Martial artist · South Korea
If I’ve grown as an artist, it will be represented in the art. There’s no need to explain it. Matisyahu Singer-songwriter