When one loves animals and children too much, one loves them against human beings.

What did Jean-Paul Sartre mean by:

When one loves animals and children too much, one loves them against human beings.


This quote by Jean-Paul Sartre suggests a philosophical perspective on love and affection, particularly the love directed towards animals and children. The phrase "against human beings" doesn’t imply a negative or harmful act but points towards the idea of comparison or preference. Essentially, Sartre is saying that if someone loves animals and children excessively, it might be because they find something lacking in their relationships with other adults.

The love for animals and children could be seen as a form of escape or avoidance from the complexities and demands of adult human relationships. Animals and children are often perceived as more innocent, less complicated, and less likely to cause emotional harm than adults. Therefore, an excessive love for them could indicate a desire to avoid the potential pain, disappointment, or complexity that can come with adult human relationships.

Applying this quote to today’s world, it could be seen in the context of social media where people often prefer the company of pets or the simplicity of a child’s world. It could also be reflected in the growing trend of pet ownership, and the increasing number of people choosing to remain child-free, focusing their nurturing instincts on pets instead.

In terms of personal development, this quote might serve as a reminder to balance our affections. While it’s completely normal to love animals and children, it’s also important to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships with our fellow adults. It could also be a prompt to examine our relationships and consider whether we might be using our love for animals or children to avoid dealing with more complex adult relationships or personal issues.

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