Happiness ceases to be a normal condition of being alive, and becomes a goal.
Happiness ceases to be a normal condition of being alive, and becomes a goal.
What did Jean Liedloff mean by:

Happiness ceases to be a normal condition of being alive, and becomes a goal.

This quote explores the notion that happiness, rather of being a regular state of existence, has been transformed into an end goal or objective. It highlights the shift in perspective where happiness is no longer seen as an inherent part of living but something to be pursued and achieved.

In essence, it suggests that society has moved away from viewing happiness as a natural byproduct of life itself – with its ups and downs, joys and sorrows – to seeing it as an ultimate aim or destination. This shift could be attributed to various factors such as societal pressures, materialistic desires or even technological advances which have led individuals to constantly seek more rather than appreciate what they already have.

Applying this idea in today’s world can be seen in how people are constantly striving for ‘more’ – more money, more success, more possessions – under the belief that these will bring them happiness. However, this constant pursuit often leads to stress and dissatisfaction since the goal posts keep shifting every time we achieve something new.

In terms of personal development, this quote serves as a reminder to reevaluate our understanding and pursuit of happiness. Rather of treating it like a finish line or trophy to be won after accomplishing certain tasks or reaching certain milestones (like getting a promotion at work or buying a house), we should strive for contentment and joy in everyday life experiences. Happiness then becomes less about ‘having’ and more about ‘being’, less about reaching some future point and more about appreciating the present moment.

The challenge is not just recognizing this truth but also practicing it consistently so that over time we can shift our mindset from seeing happiness as an external goal towards viewing it as an intrinsic part of our daily lives.

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