Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.

What did Jean-Jacques Rousseau mean by:

Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.


Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well” is a provocative and thought-provoking statement that encourages individuals to challenge the status quo, and to dare to be different. It suggests that conformity, or following traditional practices and customs, often leads to mediocrity, while innovation and originality can lead to success and personal growth.

This quote is a call to action for non-conformity. It indicates that if you follow the same path as everyone else, you’re likely to achieve the same results. But if you choose to do the opposite of what is customary or expected, you’re likely to stand out and potentially achieve greater success.

The quote also implies that customs and traditions can sometimes hold us back. They can prevent us from thinking creatively, from questioning established norms, and from finding new and better ways of doing things. By taking the course opposite to custom, we can break free from these constraints and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

In today’s world, this idea can be applied in many ways. For example, in business, companies that disrupt traditional industries with innovative products or business models often achieve great success. Think of how companies like Uber or Airbnb have revolutionized their respective industries by challenging the status quo.

In terms of personal development, this quote could inspire individuals to challenge societal expectations and norms that may not align with their personal values or aspirations. For instance, someone might choose to pursue a non-traditional career path, or to live a minimalist lifestyle in a consumerist society. By taking the course opposite to custom, they can live more authentically and potentially achieve greater personal satisfaction.

However, the quote also suggests a level of caution. It says you will “almost always” do well, not “always”. This implies that there can be risks involved in going against the grain. Not all customs or traditions are harmful or limiting, and not all unconventional paths lead to success. It’s important to carefully consider the potential consequences before choosing to go against the grain.

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