A citizen should render to the state all the services he can as soon as the sovereign demands them.

What did Jean-Jacques Rousseau mean by:

A citizen should render to the state all the services he can as soon as the sovereign demands them.


This quote essentially emphasizes the social contract theory, which suggests that individuals have a moral and political obligation to the state in exchange for the protection of their rights. In simpler terms, it means that as citizens, we are obliged to contribute to our society and state whenever it requires our services. The “services” here can be interpreted as paying taxes, voting, abiding by the law, participating in social activities, and even serving in the military if needed.

The phrase “as soon as the sovereign demands them” implies that the state has the right to call upon its citizens at any time. This could be during times of crisis, war, or whenever the state deems it necessary for the common good. The underlying assumption is that the state, being the representative of the collective will of the people, knows best when and how the citizens’ services are needed.

In today’s context, this idea can be seen in various aspects of civic life. For instance, during a pandemic, the state might require its citizens to follow certain guidelines or restrictions for the collective good. It could also be seen in the expectation for citizens to pay their taxes promptly, which helps fund public services and infrastructure.

In terms of personal development, this quote might inspire individuals to be more proactive in their contributions to society. It encourages an understanding that being a citizen isn’t just about enjoying rights and freedoms, but also about fulfilling obligations. It could motivate individuals to participate more actively in their communities, to vote, to pay their taxes honestly, and to abide by the law. In essence, it fosters a sense of social responsibility and encourages individuals to play their part in the collective wellbeing of their state and society.

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