What did Jean Houston mean by: Each person is a really a great treasure house of capacities, possibilities, energies. Jean Houston Scholar Copy
+ Occasionally we will be overwhelmed, but mostly we will be enchanted. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jean Houston, Balance, Overwhelmed, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
+ I don’t think that any great issue ever gets resolved. I think we outgrow them. Author, January 18, 2024January 15, 2025, Jean Houston, Growth, Issues, Resolution, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
+ Vulnerable is a catch-all word like “love” and “schizophrenia.” Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jean Houston, Emotion, Stigma, Vulnerability, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
+ Development involves giving up a smaller story in order to wake up to a larger story. Author, January 18, 2024January 15, 2025, Jean Houston, Awakening, Growth, Transformation, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
+ Your brain has one function-to do exactly what you tell it to do. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jean Houston, Behavior, Control, Mindset, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
+ I’ve been around for a very long time, I’ve been around since God had baby cheeks. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jean Houston, Humor, Longevity, Time, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
+ A myth is something that never was but that is always happening. Author, January 18, 2024January 9, 2025, Jean Houston, Imagination, Symbolism, Timeless, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
+ If you keep telling the same sad small story. You will keep living the same sad small life. Author, January 18, 2024January 15, 2025, Jean Houston, Growth, Narrative, Self-limiting, 0 Jean Houston Scholar
This art, born of genius and good taste, can become beautiful and varied to an infinite degree. Jean-Georges Noverre Choreographer · France
Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish. Jean de La Fontaine Poet · France
How painting surpasses all human works by reason of the subtle possibilities which it contains. Read explanation Leonardo da Vinci Painter · Italy
Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. Michelangelo Artist · Italy