A man often runs the risk of throwing away a witticism if he admits that it is his own.

What did Jean de la Bruyere mean by:

A man often runs the risk of throwing away a witticism if he admits that it is his own.


This quote speaks to the human propensity for modesty and self-effacement, particularly when it comes to showcasing one’s wit or intelligence. Essentially, de la Bruyere is saying that when a person openly admits that a clever remark or witticism is their own, they run the risk of diminishing its impact or value. This could be because the audience may perceive this self-attribution as a form of boasting or self-aggrandizement, which can detract from the charm or cleverness of the remark itself.

In essence, the quote suggests that the power of a witticism often lies not just in its content, but also in its delivery and the way it is perceived. If a witticism is presented as one’s own, it might seem less spontaneous or original, and thus lose some of its appeal. However, if the same witticism is presented without any claim of ownership, it might be received more favorably, as it appears more natural and unforced.

In today’s world, this idea can be applied in various social and professional contexts. For instance, in a professional setting, it might be more effective for a person to present their ideas or insights without overtly taking credit for them. This can create a more collaborative atmosphere and prevent others from feeling overshadowed or threatened. Similarly, in social situations, a person might find that their jokes or stories are better received if they don’t make a big deal about being the source.

In terms of personal development, this quote could be interpreted as a reminder to practice humility and to let one’s actions or words speak for themselves. It suggests that it’s not always necessary to seek recognition or validation for our cleverness or wit. Instead, we can derive satisfaction from the act of sharing our thoughts and ideas, without needing to attach our ego to them. This can lead to a more authentic and rewarding form of self-expression.

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