What did Janet Morris mean by: Choose life over death, Niko, when a choice can be made that puts no soul in jeopardy. - Janet Morris Author · USA Copy
+ Survival has its own etiquette. Feraz Zeid, June 12, 2023December 12, 2023, Janet Morris, Etiquette, Strategy, Survival, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
+ I can start the rain. Bring thunder. Bring lightning. Want to see? Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Janet Morris, Light, Power, Rain, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
+ To the death with honor, shoulder to shoulder, and no one gets closer to a Stepson than his partner. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Janet Morris, Death, Honor, Loyalty, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
+ Stop grieving. Start giving thanks to me. You live to fight on other days. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Janet Morris, Commitment, Fight, Grief, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
+ I survive. I survived it all then and I’ll survive the rest of it. Without your help. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Janet Morris, Commitment, Discipline, Ontology, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
+ Niko knew death like a sister – she was his true partner in the phenomenal world. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Janet Morris, Death, Dying, War, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
+ What would the world be without him, and those like him? Feraz Zeid, August 14, 2023December 12, 2023, Janet Morris, Commitment, Love, Sleep, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
+ And as for death – we get what we expect. Feraz Zeid, July 8, 2023December 12, 2023, Janet Morris, Humility, Ontology, 0 - Janet Morris Author · USA
Party loyalty lowers the greatest men to the petty level of the masses. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Good art, no matter how simple or casual-seeming, always carries a high density of choice. - Walter Darby Bannard Painter · USA
Far too often the choices reality proposes are such as to take away one’s taste for choosing. - Jean Rostand Biologist · France
One should commit no stupidity twice, the variety of choice is, in the end, large enough. Explain - Jean-Paul Sartre Philosopher · France
Cultural constraints condition and limit our choices, shaping our characters with their imperatives. - Jeane Kirkpatrick Political scientist and diplomat
I knew it like destiny, and at the same time, I knew it as choice. - Jeanette Winterson Author · England