What did Jane Goodall mean by: Become as knowledgeable as possible. - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England Copy
+ I think the most important thing is to keep active, and to hope that your mind stays active. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Goodall, Important, Mind, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
+ To reconnect with nature is key if we want to save the planet. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Goodall, Keys, Planets, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
+ Of course animals have a personality and emotions. Feraz Zeid, June 10, 2023December 12, 2023, Jane Goodall, Animal, Emotion, Personality, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
+ I believe sharing stories and experiences is the best way to teach people to empathize! Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Goodall, Believe, Stories, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
+ Having respect for animals makes us better humans. Feraz Zeid, June 17, 2023December 12, 2023, Jane Goodall, Animal, Human, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
+ Maternal behavior helps when you have to be patient with nonverbal creatures. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Goodall, Behavior, Helping, Patience, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
+ The awful thing is we don’t respect each other. Feraz Zeid, September 25, 2023December 26, 2023, Jane Goodall, Awful, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
+ If you work hard and be persistent, you will achieve whatever you want to do. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Goodall, Achieve, Hard Work, 0 - Jane Goodall Primatologist · England
I’ve taught, and the first thing I did when I taught art, was not to teach art. Explain - Louise Berliawsky Nevelson Sculptor · Ukraine
Appreciation of art is a moral erection, otherwise mere dilettantism. Explain - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Lying is the only art form that the public sanctions and instinctively prefers to reality. Explain - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Whatever the world condemns you for, make it your own. It is yourself. Explain - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
The liabilities are always 100 percent good. It’s the assets you have to worry about. Explain - Charlie Munger Business person
It’s stupid the way people extrapolate the past — and not slightly stupid, but massively stupid. Explain - Charlie Munger Business person
Film will only became an art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France