What did Jane Chen mean by: I know that a mother, no matter how impoverished or uneducated, will do anything to save her babies. Jane Chen Copy
Technology is only an enabler, which can help achieve the intention of the person who is using it. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Jane Chen, Achievement, Intention, 0 Jane Chen
Music helps me to express feelings in a way words often cannot. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Jane Chen, Communication, Emotion, Expression, 0 Jane Chen
Often, women who lose babies are blamed for the loss of those children and are ostracised. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Jane Chen, Blame, Loss, 0 Jane Chen
In art as in life the valid sacrifices are those that bring no income. Read explanation Jean Rostand Biologist · France
I only fear the death of others. For me, true death is that of the people I love Jean Cocteau Artist · France
I’m not willing just to be tolerated. That wounds my love of love and of liberty. Read explanation Jean Cocteau Artist · France
If you cannot learn to love real art, at least learn to hate sham art and reject it. William Morris Designer · England