What did Jane Austen mean by: You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it. - Jane Austen Author · England Copy
+ Ah! There is nothing like staying at home, for real comfort. Feraz Zeid, December 27, 2022January 10, 2024, Jane Austen, Comfort, Home, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
+ …I will not allow books to prove any thing.” “But how shall we prove any thing?” “We never shall. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Austen, Book, Prove, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
+ Everybody likes to go their own way–to choose their own time and manner of devotion. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Austen, Past, religious, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
+ I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!- Elizabeth Bennet Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Austen, Driving, Wonder, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
+ A fondness for reading, which, properly directed, must be an education in itself. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Austen, Book, Education, Reading, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
+ Look into your own heart because who looks outside, dreams, but who looks inside awakes. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Austen, Dream, Heart, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
+ Have you any other objection than your belief of my indifference?” – Elizabeth Bennet Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Austen, Belief, Indifference, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
+ Laugh as much as you choose, but you will not laugh me out of my opinion. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, Jane Austen, Laughing, Literature, Prejudice, 0 - Jane Austen Author · England
The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard. - William Hazlitt Essayist · England
I never sleep in comfort save when I am hearing a sermon or praying to God. - François Rabelais Author · France
I learned to trust women’s ears when it comes to hearing music a lot more than other men. - Frankie Knuckles DJ · USA
I encourage people to ask whatever question you’re most interested in hearing the answer to. - Gabrielle Union Actress · USA
I only hear my own voice. When you start hearing other voices, then it’s time to worry. - Matt Dillon Actor · USA
When hearing a door creak, the optimist thinks it’s opening and the pessimist thinks it’s closing. - Matthieu Ricard Buddhist monk and author · France
Hearing alone is less effective in learning God’s truth than hearing combined with reading. - Max Anders Author
As Negro voting increased, Congress got an improved sense of hearing. - W. E. B. Du Bois Sociologist · USA