What did James Hollis mean by: A neurosis is wherever we are allied against our true nature. - James Hollis Psychoanalyst Copy
+ The goal of individuation is wholeness, as much as we can accomplish, not the triumph of the ego. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, James Hollis, Ego, Goal, Triumph, 0 - James Hollis Psychoanalyst
+ The act of consciousness is central; otherwise we are overrun by the complexes. Feraz Zeid, January 17, 2024January 17, 2024, James Hollis, Consciousness, 0 - James Hollis Psychoanalyst
+ Fear of our own depths is the enemy. Feraz Zeid, October 6, 2023December 26, 2023, James Hollis, Depth, Enemy, Fear, 0 - James Hollis Psychoanalyst
The characteristic of every neurosis is to represent itself as natural. Explain - Jean-Paul Sartre Philosopher · France
Recipe for the upbringing of a poet: ‘As much neurosis as the child can bear. - W. H. Auden Poet · England
To my way of thinking, an actor’s course is set even before he’s out of the cradle. - James Dean Actor · USA
We can actually put the essence of neurosis in a single word: blaming – or damning. - Albert Ellis Psychologist · USA
Any inhibition must be wrong, since inevitably in the end it causes neurosis and insanity. - D. H. Lawrence Novelist
A neurosis defends itself by coming up with rationalizations to explain away bizarre behavior. - David Brin Scientist · USA
Living with golden fantasies of an endlessly nurtured infancy can be a neurotic refusal to grow up. - Judith Viorst Author · USA