What did Isaac Newton mean by: A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force. Isaac Newton Physicist · England Copy
It is the weight, not numbers of experiments that is to be regarded. Author, December 23, 2023December 29, 2024, Isaac Newton, Quality, Significance, Weight, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
If I am anything, which I highly doubt, I have made myself so by hard work. Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, Isaac Newton, Doubt, Work, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors. Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, Isaac Newton, Odious, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man or even for any one age Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, Isaac Newton, Complexity, Limitations, Progress, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
+ …from the same principles, I now demonstrate the frame of the System of the World. Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, Isaac Newton, Demonstration, Principles, Universe, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people. Read explanation Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, Isaac Newton, Humanity, Incomprehensibility, Science, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
We account the Scriptures of God to be the most sublime philosophy. Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, Isaac Newton, God, Philosophy, Scriptures, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
If I had stayed for other people to make my tools and things for me, I had never made anything. Author, December 23, 2023December 28, 2024, Isaac Newton, Creativity, Independence, Self-reliance, 0 Isaac Newton Physicist · England
The true end of Art is not to imitate a fixed material condition, but to represent a living motion. George Inness
The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means. William Faulkner Writer · USA
Maybe it was inertia -or worse, fear- that was keeping me in the same place. Jennifer Weiner Author · USA
Peace can only be secured by justice; never by force of arms. William Penn Founder of the Province of Pennsylvania · England