To him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning.
This quote essentially means that for those individuals who are able to maintain a constant state of mental vitality, curiosity, and adaptability, every day is like a new beginning – a perpetual morning. "Keeping pace with the sun" symbolizes keeping up with the world as it changes and evolves, staying updated and not falling behind. The sun is also a symbol of light, truth, and knowledge. So to keep pace with the sun also means to always be in pursuit of learning and understanding.
The ‘elastic and vigorous thought’ refers to the flexibility and strength of one’s mindset. Elasticity here signifies the ability to adapt and mould one’s thinking according to the situation, to be open to new ideas and not be rigid in one’s beliefs. Vigorous thought represents the energy and enthusiasm in one’s thinking process, the constant quest for knowledge and understanding.
The idea of a ‘perpetual morning’ is a metaphor for constant renewal, fresh starts, and endless opportunities. Mornings are typically associated with the start of a new day, full of potential and promise. Hence, for the person who is always learning, growing, and adapting, life is always offering new beginnings, just like each new morning.
In today’s fast-paced world, this quote is particularly relevant. We live in an era of constant change and evolution, particularly in the realm of technology and information. To keep pace with this change, it is essential that we maintain an elastic and vigorous thought process, always ready to learn new skills, adapt to new situations, and embrace new ideas.
In terms of personal development, the quote encourages a mindset of lifelong learning and growth. It suggests that we should always be open to new experiences and ideas, and never stop learning. This mindset can lead to personal growth, success, and fulfillment. It also promotes resilience, as the ability to adapt to change and face new challenges is crucial in overcoming life’s obstacles.