What did Henry Adams mean by: The capacity of women to make unsuitable marriages must be considered as the cornerstone of society. Henry Adams Copy
Energy is the inherent effort of every multiplicity to become unity. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Effort, Multiplicity, Unity, 0 Henry Adams
American art, like the American language and American education, was as far as possible sexless. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Americanism, Art, Sexuality, 0 Henry Adams
During an election campaign the air is full of speeches and vice versa. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Influence, Politics, Rhetoric, 0 Henry Adams
Power when wielded by abnormal energy is the most serious of facts. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Abnormality, Power, Seriousness, 0 Henry Adams
Politics cannot stop to study psychology Its methods are rough; its judgments rougher still. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Judgments, Politics, Psychology, 0 Henry Adams
We combat obstacles in order to get repose, and when got, the repose is insupportable. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Paradox, Restlessness, Struggle, 0 Henry Adams
The work of internal government has become the task of controlling the thousands of fifth-rate men. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Bureaucracy, Control, Power, 0 Henry Adams
Knowledge of human nature is the beginning and end of political education. Author, January 17, 2024January 9, 2025, Henry Adams, Human nature, Knowledge, 0 Henry Adams