What did Gore Vidal mean by: If satire is to be effective, the audience must be aware of the thing satirized. - Gore Vidal Writer · USA Copy
+ Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Fashion, Hair, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
+ People have forgotten the effects of prohibition. We have become the United Statesof Amnesia. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Forgotten, Prohibition, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
+ I think since Watergate people are interested in what the past of this country was really like. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Country, Past, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
+ There are certain truths so true that they are practically unbelievable. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Truth, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
+ To justify and extol human greed and egotism is to my mind not only immoral, but evil. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Evil, Greed, Mind, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
+ All children alarm their parents, if only because you are forever expecting to encounter yourself. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Children, Parents, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
+ Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Grandchildren, Grandma, Grandmother, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
+ For true happiness, it is not enough to be successful oneself . . . one’s friends must fail. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, Gore Vidal, Failing, Successful, True Happiness, 0 - Gore Vidal Writer · USA
Occasionally, the horrors of life in North Korea do show up in our American satire. - Jennifer Armintrout
We are in the transport business. We transport audiences from one place to another. - Jerry Bruckheimer
A comedian who starts talking to himself becomes his own audience. This is fatal. - Fred Allen Comedian · USA
When you’re playing to an audience that isn’t your own, it’s quite scary. - Gabrielle Aplin Singer-songwriter · England
You can make an audience see nearly anything, if you yourself believe in it. - Mary Renault Author · United Kingdom
Satire should, like a polished razor keen, Wound with a touch that’s scarcely felt or seen. - Mary Wortley Montagu Writer · England