What did Gift Gugu Mona mean by: Time is like a bucket of water. You can do anything with it, but once you use it, it is all gone. - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa Copy
+ When you forgive, you will find a way forward in life. Feraz Zeid, June 30, 2023December 29, 2023, Gift Gugu Mona, Forgiveness, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
+ The quality of your life depends on your ability to use time wisely. Feraz Zeid, April 4, 2023January 10, 2024, Gift Gugu Mona, Quality, Time, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
+ Faith is a process whereby you hold on to God’s promises because you know that He will fulfil them. Feraz Zeid, December 17, 2022January 10, 2024, Gift Gugu Mona, Faith, Process, Promise, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
+ Do not deny yourself a pleasant life. Forgive! Feraz Zeid, August 1, 2023December 29, 2023, Gift Gugu Mona, Forgiveness, Pleasant, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
+ Life is a race that you will get to run alone and sometimes with others in the form of a relay. Feraz Zeid, March 1, 2023January 10, 2024, Gift Gugu Mona, Loneliness, Race, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
+ Sometimes what looks like harmless fun can end up eating up your time. Be wise! Feraz Zeid, January 8, 2023January 10, 2024, Gift Gugu Mona, Fun, Time, Wisdom, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
+ If you value your time, do not entertain anything that does not edify your life. Feraz Zeid, August 11, 2023December 29, 2023, Gift Gugu Mona, Time, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
+ Some breakthroughs are limited by the barriers created by a lack of forgiveness. Feraz Zeid, April 26, 2023January 10, 2024, Gift Gugu Mona, Forgiveness, 0 - Gift Gugu Mona Author · South Africa
When a work appears to be ahead of its time, it is only the time that is behind the work. - Jean Cocteau Artist · France
Children have neither past nor future;they enjoy the present, which very few of us do. - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Days, months, years fly away, and irrecoverably sink in the abyss of time. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Every hour in itself, as it respects us in particular, is the only one we can call our own. Explain - Jean de la Bruyere Writer · France
Society is like a large piece of frozen water; and skating well is the great art of social life. - Letitia Elizabeth Landon Poet · England
Before the end of Time will be the end of History. Before the end of History will be the end of Art. - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Philosopher · Germany