What did George Soros mean by: My approach works not by making valid predictions but by allowing me to correct false ones. - George Soros Copy
+ There is no point in being confident and having a small position. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, Be Confident, No Point, Position, 0 - George Soros
+ It is credit that matters, not money (in other words, monetarism is a false ideology). Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, Credit, Investment, 0 - George Soros
+ Every bubble has two components: something – some real trend, and a misconception about that trend. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, Trends, 0 - George Soros
+ To be successful, you need leisure. You need time hanging heavily on your hands. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, Hands, Successful, 0 - George Soros
+ When money is free, the rational lender will keep on lending until there is no one else to lend to. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, Investment, Lending, Rational, 0 - George Soros
+ If the bubbles contain a misconception, as they always do, then it can’t be maintained forever. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, Misconception, 0 - George Soros
+ Changeless society is characterized by the absense of alternatives. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, 0 - George Soros
+ Political debate is more interested in manipulating the truth, than finding the truth. Feraz Zeid, January 16, 2024January 16, 2024, George Soros, Debate, Political, 0 - George Soros
It is the ability to make predictions about the future that is the crux of intelligence. - Jeff Hawkins
The English approach to ideas is not to kill them, but to let them die of neglect. - Jeremy Paxman Journalist · United Kingdom
It’s not important to develop your own style but your own approach. - Massimo Vignelli Graphic designer · Italy
If we approach nature with , it will serve us as our best friend, a friend that won’t let us down. - Mata Amritanandamayi Spiritual leader and humanitarian · India
I never make a prediction that can be proved wrong within 24 hours. - Louis Rukeyser Financial journalist and television host · USA