The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision.
The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision.
What did George Eliot mean by:

The responsibility of tolerance lies with those who have the wider vision.

This quote emphasizes ⁢the idea that those who have a broader ⁣viewpoint ⁣or greater understanding of the world ⁢are the ones who bear ⁣the obligation of promoting tolerance. In ‌essence, it suggests that individuals with a wider vision, having more knowledge and experience, should set an example‌ by showing acceptance and understanding towards‍ others’ differences.

The “wider vision” mentioned in ⁤this quote is not limited ‍to just academic ‌knowledge or professional expertise. It also includes emotional intelligence, cultural awareness, and understanding of human nature. These elements enable one to appreciate diversity and understand that ‌each person has their unique​ path⁤ and perspective.

In today’s interconnected world where cultures merge and global⁤ issues affect everyone, this concept‍ is more relevant than ever ⁤before. Those⁣ with⁤ a wider vision – be it leaders⁢ in society⁣ or individuals ‌within their own circles – need to encourage tolerance​ by accepting different viewpoints without ⁣prejudice.

As a notable example, political leaders ‍should use their influence to‌ promote policies that foster ‍inclusivity ⁤rather than division. They can set ⁣an example by respecting international agreements and demonstrating empathy towards⁣ global issues like climate ⁣change or refugee crises.

On a personal level too,we can apply⁣ this principle for‌ self-growth purposes. By expanding our horizons through education or travel experiences for instance, we gain⁤ a wider vision which allows‍ us to‌ be more tolerant ‌towards others’ views and lifestyles.

Moreover, cultivating tolerance doesn’t mean agreeing ⁢with all perspectives but acknowledging⁤ their​ right to⁣ exist without hostility. It ⁤involves actively listening to others’ viewpoints ⁣even when they differ from ours – learning ​from them rather than‌ shutting ‍them down ​prematurely.

Thus Eliot’s‍ statement serves as ‌both social ‍advice as well as personal guidance; urging us‍ not only to seek growth ‌but also ⁢utilize our expanded perspectives for fostering mutual respect ​in our societies.

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