Whenever you wish to do anything against the law, Cicely, always consult a good solicitor first.
Whenever you wish to do anything against the law, Cicely, always consult a good solicitor first.
What did George Bernard Shaw mean by:

Whenever you wish to do anything against the law, Cicely, always consult a good solicitor first.

This quote is a witty remark that underscores the importance of understanding legal implications before taking any action that might be against the law. It suggests that one should always seek expert advice, in this case from a solicitor or lawyer, before making decisions that could potentially violate legal boundaries. This is not to encourage illegal activities, but rather to highlight the necessity of being aware of and respecting the law.

The statement also subtly points out how sometimes people may not even realize they are on the verge of breaking a law due to their lack of knowledge about it. Consulting with a good solicitor would help them understand whether their intended actions are lawful or not, and if not, what potential consequences they might face.

In today’s world where laws and regulations are increasingly complex and numerous across various aspects of life – business practices, digital rights management, environmental conservation etc., this advice holds even more relevance. Ignorance of law does not excuse one from penalties associated with its breach. Therefore it’s imperative for individuals as well as businesses to consult legal professionals before making significant decisions or changes in practice.

In terms of personal development, this concept can be applied metaphorically as well: Before embarking on any major decision or change in your life (especially those involving ethical considerations), seek counsel from those who have expertise in that area – could be mentors, coaches or experienced peers. Their wisdom can help you avoid potential pitfalls and guide you towards decisions which align with your personal values while respecting societal norms and expectations.

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