Learn this from water: loud splashes the brook but the oceans depth are calm.
This quote is a metaphor that uses the characteristics of water to illustrate a profound truth about life and wisdom. The brook, with its loud splashes, represents those who are quick to speak and make noise. They may seem knowledgeable or important because they are so noticeable. However, their wisdom is shallow, just like the brook.
On the other hand, the ocean’s depths represent those who are quiet and calm but possess deep wisdom and understanding. They do not need to make noise to prove their worth or knowledge; instead, they quietly exhibit their depth through actions rather than words.
In today’s world where social media platforms have given everyone a voice, it’s easy for us all to become like the brook: constantly making noise without much substance behind our words. This quote reminds us that true wisdom lies in being more like the ocean: calm on surface but having immense depth beneath.
In terms of personal development, this idea can be applied in several ways. For instance:
1) Listening more than speaking: Just as an ocean doesn’t splash around unnecessarily but still holds vast amounts of life within it; we too can learn more by listening rather than constantly talking.
2) Cultivating inner peace: Just as an ocean remains calm despite what happens on its surface; we too should strive for inner peace amidst external chaos.
3) Pursuing depth over breadth: Instead of trying to know a little about everything (like a shallow brook), focus on mastering few areas deeply (like an ocean).
4) Being humble: No matter how vast or deep an ocean is, it always stays levelled. Similarly no matter how much knowledge we acquire or success we achieve; staying humble keeps us grounded.
By applying these principles inspired by this quote in our lives – whether personally or professionally – we can cultivate deeper understanding and wisdom while maintaining tranquility within ourselves.