The smartest people in the world are not in charge, they work for the action takers.
This quote, “The smartest people in the world are not in charge, they work for the action takers,” essentially asserts that intelligence alone does not guarantee leadership or control. Instead, those who take initiative, make decisions, and act upon them are the ones who end up leading and dictating the course of events. The smartest people, despite their vast knowledge and understanding, often find themselves in positions where they are working for these action takers.
The quote suggests that action is a more powerful determinant of influence and success than mere intelligence. This is not to downplay the importance of intelligence, but rather to highlight the value of taking initiative, making decisions, and acting on them. It implies that intelligence without action is like a car without fuel; it may have the potential to go far, but it won’t actually get anywhere.
Applying this idea to today’s world, we see many instances where this holds true. In businesses, for instance, it’s often the entrepreneurs, the risk-takers, the ones who act on their ideas and take the initiative to start something new, who end up in charge. They may hire highly intelligent people to work for them and help them execute their vision, but they are the ones leading the way.
In personal development, this idea suggests that it’s not enough to just know what you should do to improve yourself or your life. You have to actually take the steps to make those improvements. No amount of intelligence or knowledge will make a difference if you don’t put it into action.
So, if you aspire to be in charge or to have a significant impact, it’s not enough to be smart. You also need to be an action taker. You need to be someone who doesn’t just know things, but does things. Intelligence can give you great ideas, but it’s action that turns those ideas into reality.