A living being seeks, above all, to discharge its strength. Life is will to power.

What did Friedrich Nietzsche mean by:

A living being seeks, above all, to discharge its strength. Life is will to power.


This quote is an encapsulation of the philosophy that life, at its core, is about the pursuit and expression of power. When Nietzsche refers to a living being seeking to “discharge its strength,” he is talking about the natural instinct in all living creatures to use their abilities to their fullest extent, to assert themselves in the world, and to strive for dominance or control over their environment.

“Life is will to power,” then, suggests that the driving force behind all life is this desire for power. This is not just about physical strength or political power, but also intellectual and emotional power. It’s about the ability to influence and shape one’s world, to make a mark, to create and destroy, to push against the boundaries of what is known and possible.

In the context of today’s world, this idea can be seen in many different areas. In politics and business, for example, individuals and groups are constantly striving for power, trying to assert their will and influence over others. In science and technology, researchers and inventors are continually pushing the boundaries of what is known and possible, seeking to exert their intellectual power over the natural world.

In terms of personal development, this quote could be interpreted as a call to embrace one’s own power and potential. It suggests that we should not shy away from our strengths, but seek to use them to their fullest extent. This might mean pushing ourselves to achieve more than we thought possible, or it might mean standing up for ourselves and asserting our rights in situations where we might otherwise be inclined to back down.

However, it’s also important to note that Nietzsche’s concept of the “will to power” has been widely debated and interpreted in many different ways. Some see it as a call to ruthless self-assertion and dominance over others, while others interpret it more as a call to self-overcoming and the continual striving for self-improvement. Like much of Nietzsche’s philosophy, it’s a complex and multifaceted idea that can be applied in many different ways.

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